Rose Bouquet Wax Melt


Our hand-poured, all-natural soy wax melts are vegan, eco-friendly, and cruelty-free. Made in small batches for quality, these melts use premium phthalate-free fragrance oils for a long-lasting scent.

Notes of authentic fresh cut roses, greens, light floral musk

Top: Crisp Greens, Ozone
Middle: Red Roses, Geranium
Base: Light Floral Musk, Violet

The perfect Valentine’s Day scent! Rose Bouquet is true to the smell of freshly cut roses from your favorite flower shop. Slight hints of greens, violets and light floral musk bring this blend together.

Each clamshell contains 6 cubes (1" x 1") and weighs approximately 2.5 oz. Enjoy your favorite scents with a flameless fragrance that fills your space for days—perfect for sampling or pairing with any wax melter.

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